Every horse owner knows the feeling of excitement when they get a horse of their own for the very first time. They know that this is a big responsibility – they are responsible for this animal’s well-being. Horses can be sensitive and caring creatures if they are given the right care and respect.
Being a horse owner involves a lot of responsibilities as well as privileges. You have to take care of your horse in order to keep them happy and healthy. These 10 Commandments will help you understand what it means to be a horse owner!

Don’t feed your horse after midnight.
This is one of the most important commandments that you can do for your horse. Most horses love sweet treats and will be happy to eat them in the evening. However, this is when your horse’s body is trying to get back to sleep. Their metabolism will slow down and they will end up sleeping for longer.
This means that they won’t be able to wake up early in the morning, which can put them in a bad mood. You don’t want this to happen to your horse. Instead, feed your horse regularly. If you feed them too late in the evening, you can use a flashlight to help them see what you are doing. This will let them know when it is time for them to eat.
Have a regular grooming routine.
Nothing will tire your horse out more than constant trips to the barber. Horses need their hair to be brushed at least once a week. Do not brush your horse while they are standing as this can lead to problems with their back and neck.
Also, be careful not to pull their hair too hard as you might end up hurting them. You should also trim your hair with shears at least every six weeks. This will help keep your horse healthy and lessen its chances of getting an injury.
Exercise your horse frequently.
Horses are curious animals and like to explore new surroundings. However, they are not built for long-distance travel; this could lead to an injury or an accident. When you first get your horse, make sure that you take them out for a walk. This will let them explore the world around them while also getting used to their surroundings.
However, do not allow your horse to become overexcited. If they start behaving strangely while they are on a walk, stop and take them back to the barn. This will let them calm down while also giving them a break.
The show, don’t tell – know how to use communication with your horse.
A lot of people get their horses as a gift, but do not know how to communicate with them. When you first get your horse, make sure to teach them what you want them to do. Your horse might not understand human language, so you will have to use hand gestures whenever you want them to do something.
Do not get frustrated with this as you will only make your horse angry. Instead, be patient and make sure to keep repeating yourself until your horse understands what you want them to do.
Stay on top of the vet bill.
This is so important. Keep an eye on the vet bill and make sure that you don’t overspend on unnecessary bills. This will save you money in the long run. However, call the vet if something seems wrong with your horse. Make sure to keep your horses healthy so that they do not have to go to the vet as much.
Be kind and respectful to other people who ride your horse.
This might sound like common sense, but a lot of owners forget this. When you are riding your horse, be kind and respectful to any other people who use the trail. If they come across a walker, they should let them know and give them enough space so that they do not get hurt.
Protect your feet – wear protective shoes when you ride.
This is something that a lot of people forget. When you are in the saddle, you are putting your feet in danger. Horseback riding can hurt your feet if the horses kicks them or steps on them. Make sure that you wear protective boots or shoes when you are in the saddle.
A lot of people do not wear them because they do not see how dangerous it could be. But, you never want to take risks with your feet! You can also try wearing our horse boots. They come in all different styles and designs to help protect your feet.
Don’t forget to brush your horse regularly.
Horses do not have the same grooming routine that you do. They do not have to have their hair brushed or their mane trimmed. However, they do need to be brushed regularly. This should be done at least once a day if you have a heavy-duty brush.
You can also do it every other day with a regular brush. Make sure that you brush your horse’s mane as well. This will keep their hair healthy and make them feel a bit better.
Wrapping up
Horses are a lot of fun to have as a pet. They are loyal, kind, and loving animals. They make great pets for children because they can ride them and learn how to ride at a young age. Horses also make great companions for older people because they can be around them easily and safely. Whether you want a horse for fun or to compete in horseback riding, there are plenty of options out there for you. Make sure to take the time to discover what is available to you and your family.