Depending on where you live, your riding habits, and the type of horse you own, you might need to invest in some horse gear. Horse clothing is designed to keep your horse clean, comfortable, and dry while it’s standing in mud or standing water. It can also help protect your horse from the sun and wind when its out grazing on a sunny day.
Horse equipment might be purchased independently of your horsewear needs (e.g., a fly mask) or as part of a more comprehensive equestrian package that includes tack such as saddle pads, bridles, halters and leads. Horses are naturally curious animals by nature and they will often investigate new objects they encounter. Investing in quality horse gear helps ensure that your horse stays safe from harm while it has free rein to explore in the back yard or go for rides through the countryside.

Fly Mask
A fly mask is designed to protect your horse’s eyes and face from fly, mosquito, and other insect bites. Most horses are naturally curious and will sometimes poke their head under or through fences, gates, or other obstacles they encounter while grazing in the fields or out on trail rides. If your horse is curious, these nips and scratches can lead to infections and other unpleasant side effects.
A fly mask protects your horse’s face, ears, and eyes from fly, mosquito and other insect bites. Each fly mask is different, and can be made of either plastic or vinyl. For horses that are particularly curious, however, the vinyl version might feel too heavy or restrictive, while the plastic version might be too light. In these cases, a vinyl fly mask might be too thin to offer adequate protection from insect bites.
A bridle is designed to be worn by your horse when it’s wearing a noseband, headstall, or curb chain. These parts of the bridle tighten and control the horse’s head and jaw. A noseband is designed to be placed around your horse’s nose to keep the bit in check. A common question is whether or not it’s okay to use a halter to pull a horse’s head up when you are re-positioning the bridle or if you need a bit to do so.
A headstall is similar to a halter, but it is designed to be worn on the horse’s head. A curb chain is a length of heavy-duty metal chain that is wrapped around the bit and attached to the reins. The reins are used to control the horse’s head and jaw and direct it to turn in a specific direction.
Saddle Pad
A saddle pad is a soft cloth that is strapped to the back of your saddle and is designed to protect your saddle’s finish from scratches and damage while your horse is standing in mud. A saddle pad can also be placed under your saddle to protect your horse’s back from rubbing against the saddle’s seat.
A holder is a metal ring that holds your horse’s halter and lead rope. A heavy-duty metal ring is designed to withstand the pull of a strong horse, while a lighter-weight metal ring is designed for lead ropes that are meant to be led without being pulled. A plastic ring often comes in different colors, making it easier to identify the horse owner’s lead.

Neck Strap and Lead
A neck strap is a length of soft, fabric rope that is wrapped around your horse’s halter, bit, and lead rope. The lead rope is the rope that is attached to the horse’s collar, while the collar is a metal ring that is attached to the horse’s harness.
A soft, fabric rope is designed to withstand the pull of a strong horse while being comfortable enough to be worn for extended periods of time. A lead rope is thicker than a lead rope and is meant to be pulled. It is attached to a stronger-than-normal collar that is often made of metal. A collar is designed for safety, as it is meant to protect your horse’s neck from injury.
Stirrups and Stockings
Stirrup socks are designed to protect your horse’s front legs from rubbing against the top of the saddle when the horse is standing. They are also padded enough to prevent your horse’s hooves from getting bruised or chipped while it is standing in muddy conditions. A nylon stocking is soft and flexible enough to be worn inside a horse’s shoe and padded enough to protect the hoof walls.
Overalls and Bogs/Shoes/Ugg Boots
An overal is a thick, heavy-duty fabric that is designed to be worn over your horse’s body when it’s standing in mud or wet conditions. A pair of bib overalls are designed to be worn over a pair of overals and are designed to protect your horse’s front legs from injury. A pair of ugg boots are designed to be worn over a pair of bib overalls and are designed for warm weather riding.
What’s Coming in the Future?
Off-the-shelf modular tack Modular tack is a growing trend that has become increasingly popular in the equestrian industry. It allows riders to quickly switch between different setups and configurations depending on their riding style, terrain, or weather conditions. For example, a rider might switch between a western-style bridle and bit and a snaffle bit while they’re practicing on their own or switching between different horseback riding lessons.
The modular tack trend is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to completely change the way that people shop for and utilize equestrian gear. Innovative designers and engineers are creating lightweight, modular tack that is easy to pack and transport, and it is becoming more affordable as well.
A proper gear is essential for any great adventure; without the right gear you’re bound to get in trouble at some point. Horse gear is no exception. An investment in the right horse gear will help keep you and your horse safe. There are a few things you can do before even stepping foot in a horse gear store to make sure you’re ready for the experience. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the terminology and lingo used in horse gear stores.
This will help you navigate the confusing sea of equestrian products. You’ll also want to do some research on your own to see what would best help your particular horse and riding style. Once you’ve picked out the horse gear items that will work best for your particular needs and horse, you can head to the nearest horse gear store to get the items on your list.