When you first start riding, the last thing you might want to think about is who your new horse is going to be best suited for. But once you get more into it, you’ll realize that picking the right horse for you is one of the most important decisions you can make.
A horse is not just a piece of equipment; it’s an extension of yourself. It needs to feel comfortable with its handler and be able to trust them completely. If the two of you aren’t on the same wavelength, the odds are good that your relationship won’t work in the long run. That’s why we want to help you find that perfect match so that both of your lives benefit from this partnership.

What to think about when picking a horse
There are a few things that you should keep in mind when picking your next horse. Depending on your skill level, some of these might be more important for you than others. If you’re just starting out, you’ll likely want to look at the basics.
That includes getting to know the horse, learning how to saddle and mount, and getting the hang of some basic exercises. This will give you a solid foundation to work off of and help you ease into riding. If you’re more experienced, you might want to keep an eye out for a horse that’s more skilled in certain disciplines.
Who’s going to ride the horse?
This is an important question to ask yourself. While there are many benefits to riding as a hobby, you’ll want to make sure that it’s right for you. While people often get into riding for fun or for exercise, it’s not always the best use of your time. You’ll want to make sure that your new hobby is fulfilling and productive. If it’s a hobby that you can only do part time, you’ll be very limited in what you accomplish.
How much is your time worth?
This is something that you’ll want to keep in mind if you have a long-term goal in mind. Many riders like to keep their eyes on the prize and aim for the top award in their discipline. But if you’re not careful, you can end up spending so much time training that you neglect other aspects of your life.
Before you commit to a certain program or goal, you want to make sure that you’re happy with the way your life is going right now. You don’t want to let a new horse obsession get in the way of your relationships, your education, or any other important things in your life.

Commuting and showing horses
One thing that might surprise you is how many people ride while commuting to work. While it might seem like something that only the rich and elite can do, the truth is that many people use their time on the road to work on their riding skills. If you have the opportunity, you can use the time on the train to practice your mounting and dismounting.
You can also use it to study your riding mechanics and correct any issues you come across. If you can’t go out and practice when you’re at work, you can use your commutes to think about what you’d like to work on. If you have a large amount of time on your hands, you can come up with some exercises that will help you improve. You can also come up with a study schedule that will help you get a bit of everything done.
Working horses
If you want to take your riding to the next level, there’s a good chance that you’ll want to work on your equitation skills. While some riders choose to focus on one particular discipline, there’s no one set way to do it. That’s one of the reasons that so many riders enjoy working with different horses; it gives them a good chance to try out a lot of different things.
Working your way up the ladder in an event might take a lot longer than you’d like it to. That’s because the grueling schedule of the day job will likely be in the way. If you have the opportunity, look into doing some work for other riders. Many people like to use their time on the road to help others.
Show hacks
A lot of riders fall into the trap of thinking that they have to win their first time out. That might be true if you get on a green horse that has never competed before. But once you get a little bit more experienced, there are still a lot of factors that you have to take into account. If you’re trying to earn titles in your discipline, there are a lot of things that you have to take into account. You’ll want to make sure that your horse is in good shape, that your own riding is up to scratch, and that you’re prepared.
Final Words
When you’re looking for your next horse, you have to remember that it’s a partnership. You have to find the right fit between you and your horse. You also have to remember that it may take some time for things to be smooth between you and your new partner. Don’t be discouraged if you feel a bit awkward at first; just take things one step at a time.