Keeping your horse’s saddle clean and dry is essential for keeping the saddle from causing friction and rubbing. Otherwise, it can lead to friction blisters, soreness, and can even cause saddle sores in some cases. However, a well-maintained saddle can also help prevent many of these issues if you take the right steps. Follow these tips to ensure your horse’s new or old saddle stays clean and dry:

Check Your Saddle often
The first step to maintaining your horse’s saddle is checking it often. To do this, simply take a quick look underneath the saddle to make sure nothing has accumulated under there. You may want to take some extra care while wearing your favorite saddle to avoid any possible accidents. If you see any dirt or grass, wipe it away with a damp rag. If you see any other things like stickers or plastic, you can use a solvent to remove it. Remember to check it frequently, though, because it can be easy to forget how dirty a saddle can get.
Don’t Use abrasive cleaners or pads
You may be tempted to use a cleaner or some sort of saddle pad to keep your saddle clean. However, these products are often abrasive and can potentially damage the fabric of your saddle. This can lead to permanent damage and poor fit, which is not only uncomfortable but unsafe for your horse as well. When you use abrasive cleaners, you may also be damaging the finish of your saddle.
Not only does this not look nice, it may also cause your saddle to become stained over time. You can also use saddle soap, which is not an abrasive cleaner but rather a saddle soap. It still cleans your saddle, but it is not likely to cause damage to the fabric. If you do have a saddle that requires regular cleaning, you may want to consider using a saddle bag. They are designed to keep your saddle clean and contain dirt and debris, preventing them from damaging the leather.
Be sure your horse is well-groomed before you ride
Before you take your horse out, make sure to clean and groom him. This may include applying a quality feed and mineral supplement, as well as brushing him to remove any knots and burrs. This will remove any excess debris that could get caught in the saddle.
If you have a horse that has a lot of dirt or debris in his coat, you may want to consider trimming it short. This will make it easier for you to keep it clean and free of debris. If you have a horse with a longer coat, you may be able to take it to a professional groomer, who may be able to clean it for you. Another thing to keep in mind is checking your horse’s hooves and pasterns. In most cases, a pastern or hoof problem is the first sign of a larger problem. If you notice something wrong with your horse’s hooves, you can fix it right away.
Keep the saddle out of direct sunlight
If you store your saddle in direct sunlight, it will dry out much faster. Ideally, you want to bring your saddle indoors at least once a week to allow it to stay relatively dry. If you have an indoor rack, that is an option, but you may want to keep the saddle in an area with minimal sunlight. Ideally, the room should be dark and cool, so the saddle does not get too hot or too cold. Remember, the saddle is an object that has been made to carry weight on your horse’s back. It is a vital part of your horse’s health and safety, so you want to make sure it stays dry and clean.
Stay dry when exercising your horse
Keeping your horse dry also extends to how you care for him when you are out riding. When you are riding, you are putting your horse under a lot of stress. This stress can cause your horse to sweat, and he may need to cool down between rides.
If you allow him to get overheated, he may develop a serious condition known as founder. This can lead to serious health issues, including death. A good rule of thumb is to allow your horse to cool down before he gets too sweaty. This means that you should allow him to walk or trot in the shade before taking him back to his pen or paddock.
The best way to keep your saddle clean and dry is to check it often and not use abrasive cleaners or pads. You can also make sure your horse is well-groomed before you ride and keep the saddle out of direct sunlight. These steps will help you maintain your saddle, ensuring it stays clean and dry. When you take these steps regularly, your saddle will stay clean and dry for years to come.